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Potomac Rambling Bares - Activities Guidelines

Party Guidelines

1. RSVP early.  Don’t wait until the day of the party. Don’t call to RSVP after 9:00 PM.
2. Please arrive within one hour of the scheduled starting time, to allow the hosts to relax without having to worry about answering the door.
3. Don’t come early unless requested to do so by the host or hostess.
4. PRB events at someone’s home are usually not overnight activities. Unless an activity is advertised as an overnight activity in the newsletter, don’t ask the party host if it is OK to stay overnight.
5. Make your own transportation plans. PRB and their members are not a transportation service.

Appropriate Behavior

1. Always bring a towel and always sit on your own towel.
2. While alcohol in moderation is permitted, intoxication is always unacceptable.
3. Appropriate behavior at PRB events is consistent with behavior that you would find at any clothed social gathering.

Use of Hot Tubs

1. Never take a glass object into a Hot Tub.
2. Observe the capacity limits for the Hot Tub, as posted by the host. Too many people cause the water to overflow, which can damage the equipment. When the people get out, a low water level can damage the pump.
3. Limit the length of time you spend in a Hot Tub. The hotter the water, the less time you should stay in the tub. If the Hot Tub has a thermometer, check it. If the temperature is 104ºF, do not remain in the Hot Tub for more than 20 minutes.
 4. Small children should never be unsupervised in a Hot Tub.
5. If there is a waiting line, please be considerate of others and do not “camp out” in the Hot Tub.
6. Always dry off in the Hot Tub area and do not track water into other areas of your host’s home.


1. The Bares official photographer takes pictures for the club’s album collection. The albums are normally available for you to browse at PRB events. The first time you attend a PRB event, our photographer will ask whether or not you want to be photographed. Our photographer will NEVER take anyone’s picture without permission. If having your picture taken makes you uncomfortable in any way, please indicate that you don’t want to be photographed.
2. The host or hostess of any event may choose to limit photography to the official photographer or prohibit it altogether at the event.
3. Minors may not be photographed at any Bares sponsored activity.
4. Every photographer must specifically request permission from each subject. Granting permission to one photographer does not automatically grant permission to other photographers.
5. Only active members in good standing may take photographs at Bares activities. Photography by non-members is prohibited.


All Bares events are clothing-optional unless stated otherwise. While nudity is the norm (conditions permitting), some participants may be clothed. At some Bares events, clothing is required (such as a public-service activity like Race for the Cure, or a dinner party at a local restaurant), or prohibited (such as a visit to a landed club where nudity is required, conditions permitting).


Bares always have been and continue to be a tranquil species; however, should you ever encounter a situation which you feel involves inappropriate behavior, notify any member of the board. Serious complaints should be in writing.


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